Formularz zgłoszeniowy Application for Membership of POLISH NEW ZEALAND BUSINESS ASSOCIATION (INC) POLANZ I/we would like to make application for membership of the Polish - New Zealand Business Association (Inc) POLANZ and agree to abide by the rules of the association. Name of Individual or Company (required) Address (required) City (required) Phone number (required) Email (required) Complete 8 only for Corporate membership Name & Designation of the Company representative Area of your interest/expertise Name of Individual or Company (required) Recommending member: full name Select Required Subscription Individual $50Corporate $250 I authorise PNZBA to store these details on their database and communicate with me by email or other means in accordance with their privacy policy. yesno I authorise PNZBA to include me as a member in any member list that they may publish. yesno Your application will need to be approved. We will get back to you shortly.