POLANZ AGM took place on 10th of May 2018 and new President and Committee members were selected.
POLANZ AGM took place on 10th of May 2018 and new President and Committee members were selected.
POLANZ Corporate Members presented building products they import from Poland to New Zealand.
Stas Valentinovitch Dyrektor Q-LIQUID LTD Jeśli chodzi o moją obecną rolę zawodową, jestem dyrektorem Q-Liquid Ltd, gdzie odpowiadam za Skazka Deli i Q-Liquid Liquor. Wystartowałem Skazka Deli w 2003 roku, […]
Stas Valentinovitch Director Q-LIQUID LTD Regarding my current professional role, I am director of Q-Liquid Ltd which trades as Skazka Deli and Q-Liquid Liquor. I started Skazka Deli back in 2003 and […]
Last Friday Allan Barber attended a seminar, officially named a Congress, presented by a Polish delegation which was in New Zealand as part of a series of five exhibition events […]